Find Words: scramble word game icon

Find Words: scramble word game for iPhone - APP DOWNLOAD

scramble word game

Find Words: scramble word game is a word iPhone game specially designed to be fully-featured scramble game.

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Look for words in scrambled letters arranged in grids of different sizes. Start easy and work your way up to something difficult. Challenge yourself by completing each level as fast as you can.

Hundreds of words to be added with time challenges coming.

Related: Word Pearls: Word Games The best Word Puzzle Games!

Download Find Words: scramble word game free for iPhone and iPad

In order to download IPA files follow these steps.

Step 1: Download the Apple Configurator 2 app to your Mac.

Note that you will need to have macOS 10.15.6 installed.

Step 2: Log in to Your Apple Account.

Now you have to connect Your iPhone to your Mac via USB cable and select the destination folder.

Step 3: Download the Find Words: scramble word game IPA File.

Now you can access the desired IPA file in the destination folder.

Download from the App Store