Best Qrcode iPhone apps and games (April, 2024)

QRCODE software list updated at October 19, 2023. Talanted developers like Mediaseek Inc., Accordmobi Limited, Climb App are known to create safe iPhone apps . Some of the most popular applications and games include ICONIT QRcode Reader, PDF Scanner App, QRCode Barcode.


ICONIT QRcode Reader

ICONIT QRcode Reader

QR code & barcode scanner 314 reviews
PDF Scanner App

PDF Scanner App

Scan Docs, ID Scan document,QRcode & Barcode 14,794 reviews
QRCode Barcode

QRCode Barcode

Fast, easy reader & creator. 403 reviews
QR Creator

QR Creator

Scan & Make QRCode QR Code scanner and creator 202 reviews