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Crash Course

Watch and Study Education for everyone

Crash Course 对于 iPhone 是一个 教育 应用 专门设计为功能齐全的 crash 应用.

Watch thousands of educational videos and review your learning with the Crash Course App!

At Crash Course, we believe that high-quality educational content should be available to everyone for free. We produce courses that accompany high school and college-level classes ranging from the humanities to the sciences. On YouTube we have created a community of over 10 million subscribers that believe, like us, that learning should be fun, engaging, and thoughtful (and silly when appropriate).

This app is a portal to our thousands of videos online and a place to review your learning with supplemental flashcards and quizzes. Flashcard decks are currently available for all episodes of Anatomy & Physiology, Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry, and we'll be continually adding more content.

So please join our community of learners because you are the exception!

有关的: Hafiz watch: Is a Bluetooth-based children's watch app, app to add an alarm clock via Bluetooth connection watch, you can view watch positioning, add a security fence, view the historical track

Crash Course 演练视频评论

1. iOS App Development Crash Course in Hindi

2. IOS App Development Crash Course - Become IOS Developer

下载 Crash Course iPhone 和 iPad 免费

要下载 IPA 文件,请按照以下步骤操作。

第 1 步:将 Apple Configurator 2 应用程序下载到您的 Mac。

请注意,您需要安装 macOS 10.15.6。

第 2 步:登录您的 Apple 帐户。

现在您必须通过 USB 数据线将您的 iPhone 连接到您的 Mac 并选择目标文件夹。

第 3 步:下载 Crash Course 国际音标文件。

现在您可以访问目标文件夹中所需的 IPA 文件。

Download from the App Store