数学谜题: 智商测试 图标

数学谜题: 智商测试


数学谜题: 智商测试 对于 iPhone 是一个 教育 应用 专门设计为功能齐全的 健康 应用.

Math Riddles level up your IQ with a mix of logical puzzles. Challenge yourself with different levels of math games and stretch the limits of your mind. Brain games are prepared with an approach of an IQ test.


Math riddles reveal your mathematical talent through brain games that are hidden in geometrical shapes. You will train both parts of your brain by exploring the relations between the numbers in the geometrical shapes, and you will stretch the limits of your mind sharp.


Math games really open your mind like an IQ test. Logical puzzles create new connections for advanced thought and mental speed. They make strong the connections between brain cells.

How to Play Math Game Puzzle?

Brain games are prepared with an IQ test approach. You will solve the relationship between numbers in the geometrical figures, and complete the missing numbers at the end. Logical puzzles and math games have a different level and players who have strong analytical thinking ability, recognize the pattern immediately.

What are the benefits of Mathematical Puzzles?

Math games improves attention and focusing with logical puzzles.
Brain games develop memory power and perception abilities like an IQ test.
Educational games helps you find out your potential both in school and daily life.
IQ test expand your mind with brain games.
Logical puzzles helps to manage stress control in a entertaining way.

Do I need to pay for the math game?

MATH RIDDLES is totally for free game so that anybody interested in math games can access to the game. We also provide hints, and you will need to see ads to access hints. We need to enable ads to be able to develop new and different games. Thank you for your understanding.

有关的: 网速测试大师-Speedtest测网速: 网速测试大师(Speed Test Master)致力于为全球用户提供快速专业的网络测速服务。【最新功能】5G测速、Ping 测试、游戏Ping、一键设备检测。

数学谜题: 智商测试 演练视频评论

1. Fun Educational Math Puzzles for Preschoolers: Microbes [iPhone,iPad,Android]

2. Math | Riddles and Puzzles Math Game iOS | Black Games


Zhengzhou Sibo Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 已经付出努力并设计了一个复杂的 riddles 软件。 是什么让它成功? 对于这种坚固的,它非常容易使用 教育 应用 带有内置的 test 特征。 好吧,作为表现最好的 应用 总体评分为 4.57 我只能添加尝试过的人所说的话。

最后一关有难度 2,4,1 = 4 3,1,6 = 8 7,2,4 = 7 1,0,8 = ? 可以挑战一下。

下载 数学谜题: 智商测试 iPhone 和 iPad 免费

要下载 IPA 文件,请按照以下步骤操作。

第 1 步:将 Apple Configurator 2 应用程序下载到您的 Mac。

请注意,您需要安装 macOS 10.15.6。

第 2 步:登录您的 Apple 帐户。

现在您必须通过 USB 数据线将您的 iPhone 连接到您的 Mac 并选择目标文件夹。

第 3 步:下载 数学谜题: 智商测试 国际音标文件。

现在您可以访问目标文件夹中所需的 IPA 文件。

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