ID-Pal 图标


Simple, Secure, Convenient.

Capture an Identity Document (ID)

ID-Pal 对于 iPhone 是一个 商务 应用 专门设计为功能齐全的 simple 应用.

The simple, secure way to verify your identity with a business. Submit documents to ID-Pal from anywhere and get verified in under a minute.

The ID-Pal App

Businesses use the ID-Pal App to securely capture your documents and information so they can verify your identity and establish a trusted relationship. International Anti-Money Laundering (AML) law requires certain companies to carry out these Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures for both new and existing clients to protect both you and the business.

How it works

Using advanced technology, verifying your identity is quick, easy and secure. In just a few clicks you can submit documents via our app. The ID-Pal app uses a unique blend of checks to correctly verify your identity in real-time for a business.

What we do

- Capture an Identity Document (ID)

We verify every ID uploaded with up to 70 technical checks and against a vast library of documents to ensure it hasn't been forged or tampered with – all this happens in less than a minute.

- Facial matching

We match the image from the document against the individual to confirm it is of a genuine person.

- Address Verification

We can verify the name and address from the ID.

To always ensure the safety and security of our app, we proudly hold:

**ISO 27001 Certification** - the leading international standard in Information Security.

**iBeta Level 1 and Level 2 Certification** - ensuring our technology functions to the highest standards.

Privacy Policy

ID-Pal does not have access to any information on your ID cards or to your personal data. All data is securely processed in line with GDPR. When a service provider or business asks for your personal information or ID, ID-Pal directly connects them with you and transfers your data to the service provider via a secure channel.

All customer data collected via the ID-Pal app is controlled by our Partner and they will determine why, what and how your information is collected, used, shared, retained and under what lawful basis it is processed. Read about what information is collected and why, here:

Interested in ID-Pal for your business? Why not get in touch with [email protected].

有关的: Citrix Secure Web: Citrix Secure Web is a simple, yet robust mobile web browser that does the job. Keeps you connected. Securely. On the go.

ID-Pal 演练视频评论

1. What Are Video Scopes? - How To Use Scopes In Video Editing

2. Lesson 5 - Dec 23

下载 ID-Pal iPhone 和 iPad 免费

要下载 IPA 文件,请按照以下步骤操作。

第 1 步:将 Apple Configurator 2 应用程序下载到您的 Mac。

请注意,您需要安装 macOS 10.15.6。

第 2 步:登录您的 Apple 帐户。

现在您必须通过 USB 数据线将您的 iPhone 连接到您的 Mac 并选择目标文件夹。

第 3 步:下载 ID-Pal 国际音标文件。

现在您可以访问目标文件夹中所需的 IPA 文件。

Download from the App Store