WG-Gesucht.de 图标


Find your home Rooms/Flats, Requests/Offers

WG-Gesucht.de 对于 iPhone 是一个 导航 应用 专门设计为功能齐全的 gesucht 应用.

Good to have you here! Our iOS app brings tenants and landlords together in an uncomplicated way. Flatshares, 1 room flats, flats and coliving - you will find attractive offers for all types of property and, thanks to the high reach of WG-Gesucht.de, you are guaranteed to find the right tenant.


Personalised search results:

Design your search according to your wishes by using many filter and sorting options. Enter your search criteria, save it as a filter and email alert - done. Switch between the offers by swiping.

Personal profile:

Create your request in the app, send it to landlords and increase your chances already when contacting them.


Communicate quickly and securely with advertisers via our messaging system. Push notifications allow you to respond directly to replies.


Keep track of already contacted and saved offers. So, you never lose sight of your favourite ads.


Easy ad management:

Publish your properties quickly and easily in 3 minutes. Save a draft, check the preview, update, deactivate or delete your offer with one click.

Efficient applicant management:

Organise the contacts in your inbox according to your wishes via individual labels and send as well as receive all important documents. Various email templates facilitate targeted communication.


If you have any questions, requests or suggestions regarding our app, our Customer Care team will be happy to help you at any time at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and wish you every success!

Your WG-Gesucht.de team

有关的: August Home: At August Home, we believe that the door to the home isn't just about keeping your home safe from unwanted visitors

WG-Gesucht.de 演练视频评论

1. WG-Gesucht.de - Find your home (EN)

2. Find a room/flat easily with WhatsApp | tips & tricks

下载 WG-Gesucht.de iPhone 和 iPad 免费

要下载 IPA 文件,请按照以下步骤操作。

第 1 步:将 Apple Configurator 2 应用程序下载到您的 Mac。

请注意,您需要安装 macOS 10.15.6。

第 2 步:登录您的 Apple 帐户。

现在您必须通过 USB 数据线将您的 iPhone 连接到您的 Mac 并选择目标文件夹。

第 3 步:下载 WG-Gesucht.de 国际音标文件。

现在您可以访问目标文件夹中所需的 IPA 文件。

Download from the App Store