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+ top US & World news publications.

SmartNews 对于 iPhone 是一个 新闻 应用 专门设计为功能齐全的 生活 应用.

SmartNews is the award-winning local news app downloaded by 50+ million readers in 150+ countries!
SmartNews analyzes millions of articles every day to deliver the top trending news stories influencing the world right now.
News From All Sides! SmartNews delivers high-quality news headlines and breaking news from top news publishers: NBC News, MSNBC, USA Today, TIME, The Huffington Post, Bleacher Report, Quartz, The Verge, VICE, VOX, AP, Reuters, Buzzfeed, Fast Company and more.
“Better than Feedly or Flipboard. Love it!” Jack C.
“Much better than the new version of Apple News.” - Polidoc
“Been using Google News but this is better. Much easier to share.” Eddie H.
“Literally one of the best news apps… It ranks with the likes of BBC News.” -lightspeed12
“Browse headlines quickly, customize your channels and read the news offline. SmartNews is an excellent free alternative to other popular news apps.”
Breaking News
Notifications for breaking news stories.
Trusted News
300+ top US & World news publications.
- Best of 2013 (Japan) - Apple
- Best App of the Year, 2013 (Japan) - Google

*Terms of Service
The SmartNews Terms of Service are linked below. Please read and confirm these terms before using our services.

有关的: DC News Now Weather: The DC Weather Now weather app brings you current local conditions, local forecasts, live Pinpoint VIPIR Radar, and much more.

SmartNews 演练视频评论

1. DON'T GET YOUR NEWS FROM HERE!! [SmartNews iOS App Review]

2. SmartNews App Not Working: How to Fix Smart News App Not Working

下载 SmartNews iPhone 和 iPad 免费

要下载 IPA 文件,请按照以下步骤操作。

第 1 步:将 Apple Configurator 2 应用程序下载到您的 Mac。

请注意,您需要安装 macOS 10.15.6。

第 2 步:登录您的 Apple 帐户。

现在您必须通过 USB 数据线将您的 iPhone 连接到您的 Mac 并选择目标文件夹。

第 3 步:下载 SmartNews 国际音标文件。

现在您可以访问目标文件夹中所需的 IPA 文件。

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