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HuffPost for iPhone - APP DOWNLOAD

News & Politics News alerts and summaries

Stay informed with breaking news alerts and top story digests. HuffPost is a news iPhone app specially designed to be fully-featured entertainment app.

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HuffPost is a Pulitzer Prize-winning digital source of news. We report with empathy and put people at the heart of every story, whether it's about news, politics, lifestyle or entertainment. We believe news is personal and real life is news. If something matters to our readers, it matters to us.

• Stay informed with breaking news alerts and top story digests.
• Browse articles, videos, podcasts and interactive content about a diverse range of topics and perspectives
• Hear from voices that are not always part of the conversation
• Enjoy all of HuffPost's editions in one app. (HuffPost is truly both global and local, with locally staffed newsrooms and editions around the world.)

Related: WINK News: WINK News, Now. Trust WINK News for live breaking local news alerts on the go:

HuffPost Walkthrough video reviews

1. Apple Reveals iOS7 | HPL

2. Huff Post - Get the App

Download HuffPost free for iPhone and iPad

In order to download IPA files follow these steps.

Step 1: Download the Apple Configurator 2 app to your Mac.

Note that you will need to have macOS 10.15.6 installed.

Step 2: Log in to Your Apple Account.

Now you have to connect Your iPhone to your Mac via USB cable and select the destination folder.

Step 3: Download the HuffPost IPA File.

Now you can access the desired IPA file in the destination folder.

Download from the App Store