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Patio - College Chat

Chat with your classmates

Create and join group chats with no member limits

Patio - College Chat para iPhone es un redes sociales aplicación especialmente diseñado para tener todas las funciones educación aplicación.

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Pull up a chair and join us on Patio!

Patio is the private community for your college: we make it easy for college students and incoming freshmen to chat in a safe and welcoming space :)

With Patio, you can:

- Create and join group chats with no member limits
- Discover all the group chats at your school in one place (no more spreadsheets!)
- View detailed profiles of all your classmates & find their socials
- Use the new People Search to find new friends with shared interests
- Privately DM your friends
- Send videos, files, polls, GIFs, and more!
- Stay connected wherever you are with our mobile and web app
- NEW: Meet and chat with students at other colleges now too!

Patio is perfect for any type of group chat:

Clubs. Classes. Interests. Roommates. Teams. Lab Groups. Faith Groups. Meetups. Greek Life.

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Patio - College Chat Tutorial de videos de guía

1. PATIO COLLEGE CHAT - app preview & how to install?

2. PATIO APP - how to get started?

Descargar Patio - College Chat gratis para iPhone y iPad

Para descargar archivos IPA, siga estos pasos.

Paso 1: descarga la aplicación Apple Configurator 2 en tu Mac.

Tenga en cuenta que deberá tener macOS 10.15.6 instalado.

Paso 2: Inicie sesión en su cuenta de Apple.

Ahora debe conectar su iPhone a su Mac mediante un cable USB y seleccionar la carpeta de destino.

Paso 3: Descargue el archivo Patio - College Chat Archivo IPA.

Ahora puede acceder al archivo IPA deseado en la carpeta de destino.

Download from the App Store