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Enduring Word Commentary

With Pastor David Guzik

Enduring Word Commentary para iPhone es un referencias aplicación especialmente diseñado para tener todas las funciones educación aplicación.

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Enduring Word exists to promote the work of Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the publication and dissemination of the Bible teaching work of David Guzik and likeminded people.

When David Guzik was a young pastor in Simi Valley, California, he (among many other pastors) was asked to send his teaching notes to the developers of a new internet Bible research site: Blue Letter Bible. In the late 1990’s, David’s material first appeared on the Blue Letter Bible, and was found to be a valuable resource.

David’s Bible resources – both in text and through audio and video – are used by many thousands of people every day. Many pastors, Bible teachers, and everyday Christians find these materials helpful.

Now you can take the Enduring Word Commentary with you on your mobile device.

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Enduring Word Commentary Tutorial de videos de guía

1. App Tutorial - How to use the Enduring Word App

2. How I use enduring word app for my bible journaling

Descargar Enduring Word Commentary gratis para iPhone y iPad

Para descargar archivos IPA, siga estos pasos.

Paso 1: descarga la aplicación Apple Configurator 2 en tu Mac.

Tenga en cuenta que deberá tener macOS 10.15.6 instalado.

Paso 2: Inicie sesión en su cuenta de Apple.

Ahora debe conectar su iPhone a su Mac mediante un cable USB y seleccionar la carpeta de destino.

Paso 3: Descargue el archivo Enduring Word Commentary Archivo IPA.

Ahora puede acceder al archivo IPA deseado en la carpeta de destino.

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