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Music Distribution & Opps

Write lyrics while listening to your audio

Tully para iPhone es un música aplicación especialmente diseñado para tener todas las funciones entretenimiento aplicación.

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Tully was created to allow recording artists and songwriters to write and record ideas, store creative content and distribute their music all within one application.

It's the only app available with tools for everything the Artist needs, from songwriting, secure storage, file sharing and music industry management tools right through to music distribution. Plus access to life-changing opportunities with named Artists.

Tully has a rich feature set with support on mobile and desktop for subscribed Users:

- Write lyrics while listening to your audio
- Free premium beats for your song writing projects
- Find rhyming suggestions while you write lyrics
- Record ideas for your song and create mixes
- Store your Masters and music in a secure cloud server
- Share and collaborate with others
- Track and secure your audio and media files
- Distribute your music to all major streaming platforms
- Create contracts and split sheet agreements
- Manage your metadata for your audio files
- Get access to life changing opportunities

Create. Manage. Distribute.

All from one app!

Relacionados: Video Editor With Music!: Video Editor With Music! Mix up multiple videos into one and add music. If you want to be combine multiple videos into a single video, it'

Tully Tutorial de videos de guía

1. The App EVERY Artist Needs - Tully

2. Tully App: Contract Management | Music Management Platform

Descargar Tully gratis para iPhone y iPad

Para descargar archivos IPA, siga estos pasos.

Paso 1: descarga la aplicación Apple Configurator 2 en tu Mac.

Tenga en cuenta que deberá tener macOS 10.15.6 instalado.

Paso 2: Inicie sesión en su cuenta de Apple.

Ahora debe conectar su iPhone a su Mac mediante un cable USB y seleccionar la carpeta de destino.

Paso 3: Descargue el archivo Tully Archivo IPA.

Ahora puede acceder al archivo IPA deseado en la carpeta de destino.

Download from the App Store