Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK icono


Location-Based Sound Art

) Install the free app

Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK para iPhone es un música aplicación especialmente diseñado para tener todas las funciones entretenimiento aplicación.

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Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK is a GPS-enabled work of public art that uses music to illuminate the natural environment. Created by Pulitzer Prize-winning composer and sound artist Ellen Reid, SOUNDWALK is user-guided: the path you choose dictates the music you hear, and no two visits will be exactly the same.

1) Install the free app
2) Download a SOUNDWALK
3) Put on your headphones
4) Press ‘start’
5) Explore

A note from composer Ellen Reid:
“I encourage everyone to make repeated visits throughout the year, to experience how weather, light, and music can change our perception of these landscapes and environments. Most of all, I hope people will take a moment away from the bustle of our hyper-connected world to enjoy the beauty of public parks, and to spend some quality time immersed in nature."

Ellen Reid Soundwalk
Location-Based Sound Art

Relacionados: Charm Sound: Charm Sound, It is a sound-related app that lets you experience the charm of sound and bring more fun to your life.

Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK Tutorial de videos de guía

1. Feel Good Fridays: Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK

2. Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK at SPAC

Descargar Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK gratis para iPhone y iPad

Para descargar archivos IPA, siga estos pasos.

Paso 1: descarga la aplicación Apple Configurator 2 en tu Mac.

Tenga en cuenta que deberá tener macOS 10.15.6 instalado.

Paso 2: Inicie sesión en su cuenta de Apple.

Ahora debe conectar su iPhone a su Mac mediante un cable USB y seleccionar la carpeta de destino.

Paso 3: Descargue el archivo Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK Archivo IPA.

Ahora puede acceder al archivo IPA deseado en la carpeta de destino.

Download from the App Store