Magnus Health ícone

Magnus Health

NEW! Student Health Records

Complete Daily Exposure and Assessment forms

Magnus Health para iPhone é um negócio aplicativa especialmente projetado para ser completo saúde aplicativa.

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Magnus Health provides a streamlined way for schools to collect, track and manage student health information. The NEW Magnus Health App is easy to use, and family focused. With just a few clicks, parents can stay on top of the highest priority items for all their students.

With the Magnus app you can:
• Complete Daily Exposure and Assessment forms
• Submit student forms online
• Easily upload required documents
• Review and Edit allergy, medication, insurance, healthcare provider, emergency contact, and health history details

The Magnus Health app is a product of Magnus Health, a solution designed specifically for use in schools, that provides the tools to save time and money, reduce liability, improve emergency preparedness, and remain compliant with HIPPA and FERPA regulations.

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Magnus Health análises de vídeo passo a passo

1. Magnus Health Tutorial

2. Introduction to Magnus Health

Baixe Magnus Health grátis para iPhone e iPad

Para baixar arquivos IPA, siga estas etapas.

Etapa 1: baixe o aplicativo Apple Configurator 2 para o seu Mac.

Observe que você precisará ter o macOS 10.15.6 instalado.

Etapa 2: faça login em sua conta da Apple.

Agora você precisa conectar seu iPhone ao seu Mac via cabo USB e selecionar a pasta de destino.

Passo 3: Baixe o arquivo Magnus Health arquivo IPA.

Agora você pode acessar o arquivo IPA desejado na pasta de destino.

Download from the App Store