Patio - College Chat икона

Patio - College Chat

Chat with your classmates

Create and join group chats with no member limits

Patio - College Chat для iPhone — это социальные сети приложение специально разработан, чтобы быть полнофункциональным образование приложение.

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Pull up a chair and join us on Patio!

Patio is the private community for your college: we make it easy for college students and incoming freshmen to chat in a safe and welcoming space :)

With Patio, you can:

- Create and join group chats with no member limits
- Discover all the group chats at your school in one place (no more spreadsheets!)
- View detailed profiles of all your classmates & find their socials
- Use the new People Search to find new friends with shared interests
- Privately DM your friends
- Send videos, files, polls, GIFs, and more!
- Stay connected wherever you are with our mobile and web app
- NEW: Meet and chat with students at other colleges now too!

Patio is perfect for any type of group chat:

Clubs. Classes. Interests. Roommates. Teams. Lab Groups. Faith Groups. Meetups. Greek Life.

Связанный: FSU College of Business: The Florida State University (FSU) College of Business app is designed to enhance the experience of our current students, as well as provide information about the college to prospective students and alumni

Patio - College Chat видеообзоров

1. PATIO COLLEGE CHAT - app preview & how to install?

2. PATIO APP - how to get started?

Скачать Patio - College Chat бесплатно для iPhone и iPad

Чтобы загрузить файлы IPA, выполните следующие действия.

Шаг 1. Загрузите приложение Apple Configurator 2 на свой Mac.

Обратите внимание, что вам потребуется установить macOS 10.15.6.

Шаг 2. Войдите в свою учетную запись Apple.

Теперь вам нужно подключить iPhone к Mac через USB-кабель и выбрать папку назначения.

Шаг 3: Загрузите файл Patio - College Chat IPA.

Теперь вы можете получить доступ к нужному файлу IPA в папке назначения.

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