Carbon Health икона

Carbon Health

Medical Care Primary, Urgent & Virtual Care

Book a virtual or in-person appointment that fits your schedule

Carbon Health для iPhone — это медицина приложение специально разработан, чтобы быть полнофункциональным carbon приложение.

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Great healthcare should be easy and accessible for everyone. That's why Carbon Health helps you get care that doesn't end when you leave the clinic. Our easy-to-use app allows you to book appointments, message your provider, view your health history, and manage your prescriptions — all in one place.

With Carbon Health’s mobile app, you can:

- Book a virtual or in-person appointment that fits your schedule
- Get care for your body and mind, whether it's urgent or preventive
- Find a provider that prioritizes you
- Message your care team
- View medical records — including lab results, prescriptions, care plans, X-rays, and more!
- Follow through on your care plan with personalized, easy-to-complete tasks
- Reference upcoming milestones like booking an in-clinic follow up appointment through our health checklists
- Participate in personalized chronic condition programs, including diabetes management (and soon hypertension and asthma)
- Get provider recommendations based on your connected-device health data, including continuous glucose monitoring

To access your medical information, you will need to be a patient of Carbon Health. Join today at

Some of the benefits we offer:
- No membership fees
- Coverage through most insurance plans
- Telemedicine across the United States
- Timely appointments for COVID-19 antibody and travel testing

Have feedback or need help? Select Contact Support within the app.

Связанный: Qatar Health: The Ministry of Public Health, Hamad Medical Corporation, and Primary Health Care Corporation in state of Qatar have joined together and used their combined expertise and knowledge to develop information for this app, the information in this app is on com

Carbon Health видеообзоров

1. Carbon Health App: Reimagining How We Experience Healthcare.

2. Carbon Health: The App Which Puts the Doctor in Your Pocket | WIRED Health 2017 | WIRED Events

Скачать Carbon Health бесплатно для iPhone и iPad

Чтобы загрузить файлы IPA, выполните следующие действия.

Шаг 1. Загрузите приложение Apple Configurator 2 на свой Mac.

Обратите внимание, что вам потребуется установить macOS 10.15.6.

Шаг 2. Войдите в свою учетную запись Apple.

Теперь вам нужно подключить iPhone к Mac через USB-кабель и выбрать папку назначения.

Шаг 3: Загрузите файл Carbon Health IPA.

Теперь вы можете получить доступ к нужному файлу IPA в папке назначения.

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