Dice with Everyone Dice roller game with buddies
Fun, strategy and a bit of luck,
Royaldice для iPhone — это игры игра специально разработан, чтобы быть полнофункциональным семейные игра.
iPhone Скриншоты
Do you want to experience exciting new twists or win a record jackpot? Download RoyalDice for free and play this original yatzee with your buddies anywhere and anytime. Throw 5 dice, make good combinations and outscore your opponents! The whole new dice world is waiting for you right now.
If you like to roll the dice, you’ll find everything you want and more in this addictive 5 Dice Game.
Dice duel lovers will find a multiplayer mode that will make you play hundreds of hours!
From bunco and farkle players to yatzy fanatics, RoyalDice brings together all the best elements from dice games and their players for the ultimate experience. Even Beelte Balut and Bunco Fans will know RoyalDice is just for them! Shake up colored dices in customized cups and roll them!
You’ll play with the official dice rules and combinations: Full House, Small Straight, High Straight and Five of a kind!
RoyalDice, multiplayer social game by GamePoint includes:
• Fun, strategy and a bit of luck,
• Huge royal jackpots and free Coin gifts,
• Multiple active simultaneous games,
• Personalized Cups and Dice,
• Large and friendly community,
• Play games with your best buddies,
• Social features, chat, smileys,
• All GamePoint advantages
Try multiple game modes!
• Normal: Challenge up to 3 friends or random opponents
• Triple: Play with a bigger scorecard! Perfect for strategic players
• Real Time: Join quick rounds anytime you want with this fun and fast-paced mode,
• PartyMode: Compete with dozens of opponents at the same time for big rewards
Whether you call it yatzee dice game, farkle with friends, yachty, or backgammon online game there is only one version of the best dice game and it’s ROYALDICE!
This social game is intended for adults.
This game does not offer "real money gambling" or an opportunity to win real money or prizes.
Practice or success at social casino gaming does not imply future success at "real money gambling."
Love Games like backgammon dice or farkle online? You'll find the perfect game in RoyalDice!
Royaldice Геймплей и видеообзоров 1. Royaldice (by GamePoint) - free online dice game for Android and iOS - gameplay.
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Скачать Royaldice бесплатно для iPhone и iPad
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Скачать Royaldice бесплатно для iPhone и iPad
Чтобы загрузить файлы IPA, выполните следующие действия.
Шаг 1. Загрузите приложение Apple Configurator 2 на свой Mac.
Обратите внимание, что вам потребуется установить macOS 10.15.6.
Шаг 2. Войдите в свою учетную запись Apple.
Теперь вам нужно подключить iPhone к Mac через USB-кабель и выбрать папку назначения.
Шаг 3: Загрузите файл Royaldice IPA.
Теперь вы можете получить доступ к нужному файлу IPA в папке назначения.
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