Best Cloud iPhone apps and games (February, 2025)
CLOUD software list updated at October 31, 2023. Talanted developers like Atlassian Pty Ltd, 1&1 Mail & Media Inc., thatgamecompany are known to create safe iPhone apps . Some of the most popular applications and games include Confluence Cloud,, Sky: Children of the Light.

Scanner Pro
Scan Documents PDF, Receipt, Photo, Text, OCR Scan and save to the cloud 275,706 reviews
WEB.DE Mail & Cloud
Email, Online Storage & News - All in your account! The free WEB.DE app is your loyal companion on the go! 1,395 reviews
Sync - Secure cloud storage
Sync’s encrypted cloud storage keeps your files safe, secure and private. Access your files from all of your computers 370 reviews
Wansview Cloud
The app works with Wansview Cloud Camera, keeps you connected to your home from your phone anytime, anywhere. 695 reviews
Head in the Clouds Festival
The 2023 official Head in the Clouds Festival in Los Angeles app is here 474 reviews
Verizon Cloud
Verizon Cloud gives you space for your digital world, so you can easily backup and access your photos, videos and documents securely and privately 139,637 reviews
Tubi: Movies & Live TV
Watch sports, news, TV & more Happy clouds, mountains and trees 466,657 reviews
Pet Cloud
Pet Cloud features: Inbox & Docs: Create folders for medical records, adoption records, vet bills, pictures, and create personalized folder 4,748 reviews
Oracle HCM Cloud
The HCM Cloud mobile app gives organizations secure access to their Oracle HCM Cloud Application while on the go 318 reviews